Opening Up

Writing a blog is not my first choice when it comes to expressing myself. I tend to be more of a private person. Hopefully as the semester goes on I will have a better idea of what exactly I should be writing here. Football starts tonight and I think the Bears will be the Packers. Right now the Packers are up 7-3 but hopefully the Bears will come back and win.


  1. I can related Ashley :-) I don't like to share too much of myself in an open space. But as time went on, I not only learned to adapt but also polish how I express myself. Sometimes you need to be proactive in communicating instead of waiting for others to ask or worst for others to assume and assume wrong about you. I think you will shine brightly in Blogger ^_^

  2. I don't know much about sports, but my brother plays for SOU in Ashland. However, I do know that Green Bay Packers are cheese heads? I hope the Bears eat the cheese for you.

  3. Ashley, I'm a shy person. I do not like to talk to people because the first time they, hears me speak, they ask me, if I'm from the South?

  4. I also feel the difficulty of opening up with blogs but there is a first for everything!

  5. Yeah your right keeping private it the best thing, It hard to open up with new people and the right people.

  6. OoOoO..... Sports topic. I like watching. I don't know what somethings mean, but I do like a good reason to yell " I't was totally a foul in the end zone !!!!!!".

  7. I am the same that I have not a slightest clue what to write about or share.

  8. Sorry about your bears, but should've known the packers always come on top!

  9. I'm also more of the reserved type of person but I plan to blog about my daily life or what I did over the week.

  10. I feel the same, I had no idea what I should blog about.


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